Managing your contact forms has never been easier, thanks to technology from FormForAll!

There are any number of form creation software packages available, but how do you know which will be best for visitors to your website? will hopefully provide you with answers to at least some of your questions. Designed with both web surfers and webmasters in mind, the FormForAll approach focuses on intuitive, ergonomic design that’s feature-rich and flexible. For a start, it’s compatible with tablet computers and smartphones alike. What’s more, it boasts a reports and data analysis section to help you understand your forms’ key performance indicators. The secure database will keep your data safe and sound until you need to collect it and you can make your forms reflect your corporate identity by the judicious use of customized fonts, background colours and logos. On the ‘client side’, useful features include the multilingual display (choose from a wide selection of some of the most important European and Asian languages) and the handy social log-in option aimed at the all-important Facebook demographic (not to mention Google+ users) – see here for more info on these options and many others…

Best of all, the availability of a Drupal module and WordPress form plugin mean that the vast majority of websites can reap the benefits of this cutting-edge technology.